Primary Food: Are You Neglecting or Nurturing Your Overall Health and Wellness

. Tuesday, 11 June 2013

As mothers and wives, we sometimes forget that we need to nurture ourselves as much as those we love. The days are never long enough and there is always one more thing on that "to do" list. Unfortunately, this leads to us neglecting the needs of our body, mind and spirit - our primary food.
The term "primary foods" was coined by IIN the school where I studied, and refers to what feeds the soul - loving relationships, regular exercise, spiritual practice and a fulfilling career. When primary foods are in balance, everything else falls into place. It is important not to forget that food is only one source of nourishment. All parts of our lives affect our health as a whole.
Here are three ways to incorporate small changes into your life and receive big results:
1. Treat yourself to daily quiet time: Carve out time every day to recharge. It could be reading a book, praying, meditating or journaling - it's up to you. Try this simple exercise called Morning Pages (developed by Julia Cameron) to help start your day off right: Before you go to sleep, take out a notebook and pen and put it beside your bed. As soon as you wake up, start writing everything and anything that is on your mind - a stream of consciousness writing. This is not a novel and it's not for anyone to read so just let it flow naturally. There is no wrong way to do this exercise. You might be surprised at what comes out of this exercise! I find after doing them, I feel refreshed and my mind tends to not be as busy during the day.
2. Include exercise as part of your daily life: Experiment with different kinds of exercise and aim for putting aside 30 minutes to one hour 4 times per week. Do you love to be outside? Try biking, running or taking a brisk walk. If you are new to running, Google C25K. This program gets you from the couch to running a 5k in 9 weeks. Running not for you? Look into a local fitness studio and try a class or two until you find something you connect with. Short on time? Purchase a few DVD's and work out at home when the kids are sleeping. The key is just to make the time to get up and MOVE. Regular exercise doesn't just help you get into better shape, it also helps reduce stress, improve sleep, increase energy levels, lower blood pressure and strengthen the heart just to name a few!
3. Take time to connect with your spouse every day: When our kids are young, they are the center of our world and sometimes our relationship with our partner ends up being neglected. Even if it's just ½ hour after the kids go to bed, it's important to nurture your relationship. Has it been a long time since you have gone out, just the two of you? Get a babysitter and mark the date on your calendar! Or make a list of fun "date night in" activities. Whatever you decide, it's important to make a point to spend quality time with your spouse every day.
Once your primary foods are in balance, everything else can fall into place, including reaching health goals like losing weight and eating a more healthful diet. It's time to reconnect and nurture yourself. You are worth it!
Alethea Copelas is the owner of Compass Nutrition, a holistic health coaching practice in Massachusetts that focuses on empowering women to find their personal path to wellness. In addition, as a vegetarian chef, she offers in home cooking classes and menu planning. You can contact Alethea at or visit her website at She can also be found at, twitter @nutritionma, Contact her for your free health history consultation today and regain your health and wellness!

Are You a Foodie Or an Emotional Eater?

. Monday, 10 June 2013

Are you a foodie?
A foodie is a term invented in 1981 by Paul Levy and Ann Barr, who used it in the title of their 1984 book The Official Foodie Handbook. The term is used to describe someone who seeks out and enjoys new restaurants, foods, and wines. is a term used to describe someone who seeks out and enjoys new restaurants, foods, and wines. A foodie delights in the total sensory experience of food. For example, at the grocery store, a foodie will joyfully find the perfect plump fruit, squeezing it gently, smelling it, and noticing the ripeness and color. A foodie has a lust for new food experiences, and enjoys the entire experience of eating - which includes exploring food, shopping for food, preparing and cooking food, and of course eating great food.
Foodie Qualities. Below are 14 questions that can help confirm if you are a true lover of food: 
  1. Do you love to explore new recipes?
  2. Do you have a passion for the taste of food?
  3. Do you appreciate the wonders of fresh food?
  4. Do you smell food, inhaling the aromas, and filling up with the joy of scent?
  5. Do you shop for the perfect culinary tools?
  6. Do you know the difference between Wusthof and Kershaw Shun knives?
  7. Do you eagerly await the newest Sur La Table or Williams Sonoma monthly mailing catalog?
  8. Is the Food Network your obsession?
  9. Do you love finding new recipes to test?
  10. Do you savor food, but stop when your taste buds or body tells you the experience is no longer satisfying?
  11. Do you choose the very best food available to you?
  12. Do you eat food that your body, senses, and intuition guides you toward?
  13. Do you eat the types of food that make you more alive and invigorated?
  14. Do you eat food that supports your health and vitality?
If these questions already have you dreaming about gourmet eating experiences, then you just might be a true lover of food!
Are You An Emotional Eater?
Many emotional eaters don't know they are eating for emotional reasons. They will say, "I don't eat because I'm bored or sad. I just eat because I really love food." However, if you look closely, an emotional eater doesn't enjoy the entire process of eating at all.
Emotional eaters often have "forbidden" or "bad" foods. They feel guilty about eating certain food. This have lists of what they should eat and what they shouldn't eat. And they often obsess about when to eat or when not to eat. Overall, there are many rules and restrictions around food.
Do you really love food as much as you imagine?
One way to easily tell if you love food as much as you say you do, or if you're eating to cope with life is to notice your style of eating. Below are 14 questions you can use to easily identify when eating is something other than just a love of food. 
  1. Do you inhale your food, eating in a hurry?
  2. Do you wolf down your food because you're starving?
  3. Do you heap mounds of food on your plate?
  4. Do you put another bite into your mouth before finishing the last one?
  5. Do you shove food in quickly, often using your fingers and often standing up?
  6. Do you often have an urgent, panicky need to eat something right away?
  7. Are an unconscious eater (eating while doing something else and unaware of eating)?
  8. Are you a chaotic eater (over-scheduled life, haphazard eating, or eating whatever food is available)?
  9. Are you a free food eater (eat in the presence of free food such as buffets, candy jars, office food, candy bowls, etc.)?
  10. Are you a waste not eater, or a member of the clean plate club?
  11. Are you a careful eater, analyzing every morsel for calories, weight, and health?
  12. Do you skip breakfast and other meals, and then eat all night?
  13. Are you a professional dieter?
  14. Do you forbid sweets, but then eat them with a vengeance?
If you recognized yourself in one or more of the eating styles listed above, you might be surprised to notice that enjoying your food isn't the motivating factor for your eating. You don't need to become a food connoisseur, but an easy way to add more joy to your life is to take action and make your individual eating experiences more enjoyable. The more you enjoy your food experiences (cooking, shopping, creating, eating, and digesting), the more you enjoy life. And you just might lose weight in the process!
Dr. Annette Colby can help you discover the secrets to losing weight, staying slim, and falling in love with your life all over again! Read Body Redesign: Goal Setting Secrets for a Thinner, Happier You and learn how to make meaningful and thoughtful decisions that feel right-in your heart and in your body! Sign-up today for your FREE subscription to Loving Miracles weekly newsletter at

Exploring The Crucial Health Benefits Of Beef

. Sunday, 9 June 2013

By Keegan M Logan

Beef is any foodie's delight, so much so that it may even amount to an addiction. Regular beef eaters are generally healthy and strong. You may have encountered a guy with a well-sculpted body and inquired about his diet. He says beef, and may have been left wondering what makes beef such a preferred food among all the able-bodied folks around the world, so much so that a muscular guy is termed as being beefed up!

Beef is typically a name given to cow's meat, if you didn't know that already. Like every other animal meat products, beef is also an excellent source of protein, especially lean beef. And protein, as you might know, is crucial for the proper development of muscle tissues. It even forms a necessary source of vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, which the body requires in order to convert homocysteine (a potentially dangerous chemical) to benign molecules.

Beef is ideally low in fat, which when combined with its ability to impart vitamin B12 greatly reduces the risk of colon cancer. Organic beef provides selenium and zinc. Selenium is essential for the proper function of glutathione peroxidase, which is an antioxidant that reduces the severity of inflammatory conditions, like asthma and rheumatoid arthritis. Zinc in turn helps protect the walls of the blood vessels, thus aiding in preventing atherosclerosis. It also helps to run the immune system effectively.

If you are obsessed with your heart and wish to preserve it till old-age and impending death get the better of you, don't think twice before including beef in your diet. That regular dose of the scrumptious steak can help reduce the risk of heart disease, especially if it comes out of grass-fed cows, since it has high amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids. It also aids in controlling the total blood cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol levels.

Additionally, if you are prone to getting bullied around by your seniors, and end up being punched in the face every time, your teeth might be on the verge of falling off. Strengthen them from within by feasting on beef at least three times a week. That is because beef is highly rich in phosphorous and iron. Phosphorous is crucial to strengthen the teeth and the bones, if you didn't know that already. So the next time that the husky bullies catch up with you, you will be physically ready for that incoming punch. The attacker will groan in pain instead! Moreover, the iron contained in the beef helps carry oxygen in blood, to all the cells and muscles effectively, and also aids in preventing fatigue.

Beware of the kind of beef you are having though. As you might have deduced by now, there is the beef produced from pure grass-fed cows, the lean beef, and the common beef. Grass-fed beef may reduce the risk of heart disease, but any other kind of beef may increase the risk instead. Also, the risk of the rectum and colon cancer may be multiplied if the beef is high in saturated fats. Moreover, improperly cooked beef may lead you to food-borne diseases.

Avon Valley Beef Western Australia is committed to producing the highest possible quality meats sourced from local farmers throughout the Avon Valley. If you want to buy beef, lamb, pork, chicken, and more meat stuff, click here.

Article Source: 

Benefits of the Right Fitness and Food Choices

. Saturday, 8 June 2013

Often, people who decide to include exercise and fitness as a regular part of their life are motivated by their own individual reasoning. Some are drawn to muscle building, for example, out of simple vanity. Others have been "prescribed" exercise by a physician as a way to handle chronic conditions like hypertension, diabetes, obesity and more. There are a host of reasons why people are either drawn to or forced into exercise.
Unfortunately, the one principal motivating factor isn't always enough to motivate people to stay the exercise course. But if you take a look at ALL the benefits that you can gain from regular exercise and healthy eating, you will be far less likely to skip your workouts.
Tons of studies have shown that just by doing regular exercise and eating a balanced diet the average persons self-esteem level increases dramatically. People, nearly across the board, have reported a new found sense of confidence in the work place, in relationships, everywhere.
Very shortly after kicking off a program of sensible eating and steady exercise you will feel an increased level of energy. Through eating good, healthy food and exercising on a regular basis you actually change the way your body functions. Adhering to your program will cause hormonal outputs to change which results in more energy, more of the time.
Likewise you will find that exercise will improve your ability to process things mentally. Much of the more recent research indicates that people who exercise regularly and eat well are less apt to suffer from many of the conditions associated with old age -- Alzheimer's, dementia, etc. Many other people swear that a byproduct of dedicated exercise increases their problem solving abilities.
The medical community has published volumes of studies that show how a solid diet and exercise help prevent a whole host of conditions and diseases. The chance of having a heart attack, for example, is greatly reduced with good eating habits and regular physical activity. The same is true for osteoporosis -- proper exercise and diet improve bone density.
As far as mental health is concerned, with healthy eating and correct exercise the incidence of depression is reduced greatly. The natural endorphin production increases in a healthy, active environment -- this has been proven to minimize the chances of depression.
Another benefit is the overall reduction of stress levels. When people stick to their regimen of exercise and proper eating, the things that might otherwise cause stress and anxiety seem far easier to manage.
These are some of the many benefits of doing things the right way. The next time you feel like backsliding just remind yourself of all the good that healthy eating and exercise is doing you and get back on your horse.
Anna Greene likes to write about assorted interests, such as her new site on the DMC-LX5 Lumix camera.

Fitness and Food Tips for Baby Boomers

. Friday, 7 June 2013

Paul McCartney wrote the Beatles' hit "When I'm Sixty-Four" in 1966, when he himself was just sixteen years old. In 2011, the aging rocker will turn sixty-nine; hopefully by now he's gotten his answer.
When the Baby Boomers sung that song in their teens to their girlfriends and boyfriends, the question "Will you still love me when I'm sixty-four?" seemed to be theoretical in nature. This year, however, the oldest of the Boomers will be celebrating their sixty-fifth birthday - a shocker for the generation that once insisted they would "trust no one over thirty."
Boomers entering their fifties and sixties certainly have a lot to think about as they head towards retirement, but one thing they shouldn't neglect is staying fit. Medical advances almost guarantee that the average Boomer will live longer than his or her parents, but quantity of life means little without quality of life. Quality of life depends upon keeping that aging and oft-abused body fit and trim. Otherwise, Boomers, expect the prescription drugs and surgeries to start pouring in on you. Here are some suggestions for Baby Boomers to improve and maintain their physical and mental health.
How to Lose Weight Fast If You're a Boomer
If you're overweight, your first task in your golden years' health regimen should be to lose weight fast. By your fifties and sixties, however, years of accumulated injuries and the early stages of arthritis might make you grimace when you think about high-intensity cardio workouts. Sound familiar? If so, here are some suggestions for fat-burning workouts that are still easy on the joints.
Cycling - Cycling is often recommended by doctors as a knee-friendly alternative to running. Stationary bikes, in particular, can burn up calories without putting undue pressure on the knees. If you belong to a gym, try out a spin class. These group exercise classes usually last about an hour and provide an excellent way to lose weight fast.
Swimming - Another cardio workout often recommended to people with joint issues is swimming. Swimming works out nearly every part of the body without minimal stress on the joints.
Yoga - Be warned: Not all types of yoga will help you lose weight. What yoga will do for you, though, is help you heal your joints and increase your flexibility so that high-intensity workouts become feasible for you again.
Elliptical machine - The elliptical machine, which looks like a stair step machine that moves in a circular fashion, is not as low-impact on the knees as swimming or cycling, but it is low-impact compared to running. Try out the elliptical machine at your gym to see if it works for you.
Eating Tips for Baby Boomers
When it comes to physical health, exercise is only one half of the equation. The other half of the equation, of course, is food. Fortunately, we know a lot more now about the best way to eat than we did in the 1940s and 50s. Unfortunately, however, the food landscape is fraught with much more danger today than it was when Boomers were growing up. Agribusiness didn't exist yet in the 1950s, and fast food was still in its infancy.
Because the Boomers grew up alongside the food industry, it's understandable that they picked up a lot of bad eating habits. Baby Boomers don't need to become health nuts, but there are a few simple ways Boomers can improve their eating habits:
Stop with the fast food - For people who regularly eat fast food, switching to eating healthy leftovers from their own kitchen is one of the biggest steps they can take towards healthier eating habits.
Switch to water - Drinking filtered water instead of soda or coffee is another way Boomers can cut back on calories and improve health.
Avoid the middle of the grocery store - One easy way to make sure you're buying foods that are good for you is to resolve to shop only on the perimeter of your grocery store. The perimeter of the grocery store is normally where the produce and meat departments are; the middle of the grocery store is stocked with rows and rows of processed foods. If you want to know how to lose weight fast, you would do well to start by eliminating as many foods as you can that emerge from boxes, plastic bags, cans, and jars.
The suggestions above provide a good place to start for Baby Boomers who want to enter their golden years with a healthy body and mind. A few minor lifestyle changes can make a big difference when it comes to your longevity and quality of life. Sixty-four might have once seemed like a long way away, but now that it's just around the corner, don't you think you owe it to yourself to make sure you feel as good at sixty-four as you did at thirty-four?
Melody is a personal trainer and health coach living and working in New York. She has two kids and doesn't want them to be brought up with the lack of knowledge of nutrition that she grew up with. Melody has taken on a few baby boomer clients in recent months and they all seem to want to know the same thing: "How do we get healthy?". Melody has recently started operating and wants to build a reputation as somebody who wants to help other people.

Five Fabulous Flab Fighters: How to Get Fit and Burn Fat Fast

. Thursday, 6 June 2013

Getting fit and healthy continues to be a challenge for the great majority of those in the Western culture. Today more and more people are less engaged in physical activity and eating more processed foods than ever before. In fact, a great many are eating out at fast food restaurants. School systems have eliminated fitness as part of their curriculum and serve a lot of junk food in their cafeterias.
It's no wonder our society is so fat. And we are being marketed to with the next great weight loss device or plan. There's a lot of confusion out there. I hope to show you that you can lose that unhealthy weight and look great too. I mean get it off fast.
The only problem with what I said is simply this, will you do it? I mean, it takes some effort. There is no magic pill in what I'm about to dispense to you. I don't care what some commercial will tell you, you've got to work at it and be consistent when you do.
So, here are the Five Fabulous Flab Fighters:
1. Drink plenty of water. It's that simple. Exchange your sodas for water. Get fresh drinking water. I use a filter system that will enable me to have better water than I could ever get from bottled water. Carry your own container of water and drink it wherever you go. Our bodies need a constant flow of water since we are mostly water. Many times you may feel hungry when you may be dehydrated instead. So drink up.
2. Do more exercising in a shorter time period. Interval and circuit training offers a higher intensity in working out which helps to boost one's metabolism. One of the things I'll do in circuit training is to pick 10-12 different exercises and do 10-20 reps for each one. There's no rest between each exercise. Make sure to target each body part when picking the exercises. With high intensity interval training, you'll pick one exercise and go at it high intensity for anywhere from 10-30 seconds and rest for about the same amount. There are plenty of other methods too. Challenge yourself. Make sure to check with your doctor first.
3. Eat high quality food that is the closest to Mother Nature. That means to stay away from highly processed foods. Can the cans. Try to get the freshest veggies and fruits you can. Go to a local farmer's market if you have one available. For the majority of your food, make sure it's organic and non-GMO. That includes whole grain products. It's the same with animal proteins. Eat grass-fed beef instead of grain-fed junk. Bison is a much better alternative than beef. Eat enough calories. If you don't it may lead to a metabolic slowdown.
4. Sleep is king to your health. Your brain needs sleep in order to process the vast amount of information each day and your cells need it in order to stay young. You also need it so you don't gravitate towards eating simple carbohydrates due to the lack of sleep. A good night's sleep also helps to reduce stress.
5. Be consistent in all you do. Consistency counts in eating and exercising. When you do that, the pounds will naturally drop off. I'm not going to tell you to eat less and move more. What I will tell you to do is to eat more of Mother Nature's bounty and get your body moving consistently each and every day. If that means to grow your own outdoor garden, then do it.
That's all I do. I keep things simple and do it consistently. Just get out and do it and you'll get results when you do. Have fun too.
Living an optimal life requires a life that is healthy and fit. Knowing what you need to do in order for that to happen is important. And taking action towards getting healthy and fit is the most important key. Finding the right knowledge and experts in their fields can go a long way to accomplishing that. That's as long as you take action on what you learn. People who are successful are always action-oriented. They will simply put into the action the right knowledge for them. That includes getting healthy and fit. Once you are there, then will you start to truly live a life that is optimal. For more information and to subscribe to the newsletter, go to
Bob Choat is a peak performance coach, professional speaker and co-owner of Optimal Life Seminars along with Dr. Lori Shemek, Ph.D. You can find him at

Quick Healthy Food

. Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Quick healthy foods are indeed possible. The most common misconception about healthy food is that it needs to be elaborate and super special. Well, the truth is, it's the opposite.
There is just one rule that you need to remember always and that is to keep it simple and less time-consuming so that you will never go back to your old eating habits and cooking style.
Most ordinary Joes will settle for the microwavable and fast foods rather stir-fried veggies or pan-fried fish. For the busy people, they would most often feel tired already to try to conjure up recipes for the family. That is why the most common food served on the table are Pizzas and sodas... the greatest enemy of healthy eating.
One of the greatest benefit of eating healthy is most often than not, you won't have to rely on recipes to come up with a great dish! Sometimes, my taste might differ from yours, or you might not have the time to prepare them (for now). Therefore the best way to do this is to trust your food instinct.
As I mentioned earlier, making healthy food can be quick and easy. With a bit of imagination, you will be able to conjure up many quick healthy foods.
One of the most important thing to remember in preparing healthy foods is the taste. Mixing bell pepper with celery isn't what I call a mouth-watering food. Who knows, maybe it works for you. But when you mix bell pepper with parsley, that's a salad that is calling my name. And there you are. Salad is one of the easiest dishes you can come up with. Salad comes in different forms as well. You can make it as vegetable salads or fruit salads. If you're more of a meat eater, you can always make a turkey or chicken salad. With these varieties, you already have a lunch or dinner recipe for 4 days.
If you're in the mood for red meat, instead of going for a beef, why not go for venison? You can marinate it like a beef, but healthier. You can grill it, pan-fry it or even make a soup out of it. One of my favorite meats is bison which is become available more readily all the time.
And speaking of soup... instead of putting too much meat in it put more vegetables instead. That way the soup will still have the meaty taste, but have the nutrients of the vegetables.
If you're worried about little children's willingness to eat the vegetables, there's also a quick way of solving that. Pull all the vegetables in the blender or food processor and voilà, you now have a pureed soup!
The possibilities are endless when it comes to eating healthy! All you need is your imagination and instinct. Happy Healthy Eating!
If you're interested in learning more about the value of clean eating and dramatically improving your health, visit my website, where I share what foods I personally recommend.
Visit my website at:

Fat Food Vs Healthy Food

. Tuesday, 4 June 2013

You know how skinny people seem to eat so much more and never gain weight? Here's an eye-opener for you.
Here is a food comparison so you can see how much more healthy food you would have to eat to consume the same amount of calories you eat with an unhealthy diet.
How about lunch?
Whopper w/ Cheese 850
Fries 370
Med. Coke 210
Total Calories 1430
Turkey sandwich with cheese,
Lettuce, tomato, and mayo on wheat 364
Nacho Cheese Doritos 140
Lemonade (8oz) 90
Total Calories 594
Cut out the mayo, and you'll cut another 100 calories. Or make sure to use a light mayo. Have some fruit instead of the chips and you'll cut another 75 - 100 calories and gotten 3 servings of fruits and vegetables. So lets say your smart lunch is now running about 464 calories. And you'll be running circles around your not so smart comrades.
Imagine how much work it is for your body to process the 710 calories that come from FAT in the Whopper meal. Is it any wonder you're falling asleep at 2:00 in the afternoon?
Plus, using the smart choices, you've only taken in 759 calories for the day. If you are on the recommended weight loss calorie count of 1500 calories, you still have another 741 calories to go. You can still have chocolate and a good dinner. I think everyone should eat chocolate every day. We would have a much happier world.
Don't be tempted to fall into the trap of not eating enough. Eat until you're full. You'll be less tempted to snack on "bad" things.
Plus you'll have more energy to stay active and burn even more calories. Isn't this fun? Once you get better at making smarter choices, you will never have to count calories ever again!
Make smarter food choices every day -
Find more tips to help you live a happier, healthier lifestyle at Sane SuperWoman Club

Food Additives: Safety versus Health Maintenance / Prevention

. Monday, 3 June 2013

The topic of food additives is not quickly addressed in one article. Searches on the internet can reveal information that is either pro or con regarding food additive substances.
Depending on one's personal philosophy, it is possible to justify the inclusion or the exclusion of food additives. There are many companies which justify the addition of food additives of one sort or another with various rationales. In fact, some -- or even many -- of the additives can be consumed with no immediate obvious harmful effects.
The reader is referred to the Natural Ovens Bakery / Nutritional Resource Foundation ( article which details all of the many food additives: "Toxin Additives in Food and Drink: Toxic compounds in your foods:"
In this reference, Paul Stitt, CEO, Natural Ovens Bakery, makes the statement that his company will NEVER use any of those additives in their products as they are listed here:
It is a professional decision for A Better Community For All (ABC4All) to screen info/products/companies/ingredients and work only with those companies, like Natural Ovens Bakery, that do NOT include in their products anything that is known to be harmful as much as possible.
At the same time, anyone can be allergic to anything at any time. So one simply needs always to proceed with caution, be alert and on the lookout, and then deal with whatever reactions are manifesting should they occur.
Prevention may be the best approach, and this area of focus is becoming very much more explored in health circles. The information posted about the scientific development of "Plasma Activated Water (PAW)" at may provide future protection against many bacteria/viruses that are being avoided, supposedly, with the additives.
Many so called health supplements/products that contain additives can be shown via sound research to be beneficial over time. That does not mean the last word is in. It is a well known fact that long-term harmful, even dangerous, effects can emerge over time. Those companies preferring to avoid the possibility for allergic and other harmful reactions to substances like sodium benzoate (and so many other food additives, as referenced by Paul Stitt above) are at least attempting to watch out for the consumer to the best of their ability and are offering that much more protection against potentially harmful influences.
The final answer, possibly, will lie with those who are interested in health maintenance first and in the protection of others, not in allowing business decisions to come first or in earning the dollars associated with the lucrative health supplement industry that so often includes unhealthy ingredients in spite of all the claims, testimonials and even scientifically conducted research.
Respectfully submitted,
Burton Danet, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist (retired)
Founder, A Better Community For All (ABC4All): “Maximizing Charitable Contributions on the Internet”
Burton Danet, Ph.D., Co-Founder of A Better Community For All (ABC4All) was interviewed by Holistic Junction: "Glimpse of a Remarkable Health League of its Own: Burton Danet, PH.D. & ABC4ALL:"
Through a collaboration with Huck-Fin Environmental Education (HFEE), San Diego, California, ABC4All/HFEE have originated a comprehensive solution to the obesity epidemic ("globesity"): Community Health, Exercise and Nutrition for All (CHEN4All): []

What's Healthier, Broiled, Grilled, Or Fried Food?

. Sunday, 2 June 2013

Americans love fried foods. While it's not always good for us, it does happen to be a fact. There is nothing that we don't love to deep fry, including even ice cream. While the taste is out of this world, it's not necessarily good for you. So is broiling any better than frying and why? Would it help to grill our foods?
Which cooking method actually adds the least amount of fat to your food and are there any other surprises that we need to know about?
Realistically, common sense says that adding fat to a deep fryer or a frying pan adds fat to something that is already fatty, namely meat, which is the most commonly fried item. The lowest amount of fat that will be added is when the food is broiled, because the flames, or the electric broiler are going to cause the fat to melt away from the food.
In a test done at the University of Pennsylvania, the differences were quite incredible. Three samples were done, one broiled, one lightly sautéed and the third deep friend. The broiled sample of meat, done under a broiler had about one percent added fat, while the sautéed variety was about twice that much, but shockingly it was nearly exactly the same as the deep fried variety.
Where the problem comes in is that we generally put a great deal of the deep fried meats and other things into batter. The meat doesn't honestly absorb that much fat on its own, but the breading and other factors take in a vast amount of it.
Now using a lean fat, we see that frying may not be as heinous as you actually thought, but... and there is always a but in the equation isn't there, many of us are not content with just frying, we pay little attention to the kinds of oils that we fry with, often times purchasing the cheapest variety rather than the one that is best for us.
There are good fats and there are bad fats. Butter can be taken in moderation and if you fry your food in it you're asking for heart disease in your future. Vegetable oils, pure corn oil perhaps are the way to go if you're going to fry and forget that flour or breading. Fry without it to keep the fat absorption to a minimum.
Clearly, broiling is the best way to cook your food, provided that you do it on the kitchen stove. Some of us however thought that grilling our food outdoors was the answer.. It does lower the fat but t there are some considerations to the grilling factor too.
California scientist James Felton studied the effects of cooking over barbecue coals, the traditional variety and he believes that some barbecued foods may actually cause cancer.
There are two ways that it can happen but the most traditional way, according to Felton is when the fat from the meat drips down onto the hot coals, causing a chemical reaction when the flame flares up to blacken the meat. If you move the hot coals to the one side so that the fat doesn't drip directly onto the coals it tends to prevent this. Cooking on gas grill may also be some help in this battle.
You might also try cooking at a lower temperature as well as moving the coals if you're going to grill over your traditional coals and also try using regular wood as opposed to charcoal to barbecue your meat.
If none of that appeals to you, the reality is that broiled foods seem to be the best bet. Firstly, the flame comes from above and the fat drips to a pan below, secondary to that, there is less fat than with frying, and thirdly, the grill just may be doing things to your body that you're not ready for.
Do we need any better reasons to broil your meat or fish?
Duke Catering was started in 2000, by Nancy and Bernard Duke, both of whom are very experienced and well educated food service and catering professionals. They have quickly become one of the largest and fastest growing diversified caterers in the Southern New Jersey area. Duke Catering provides school food service to over 1800 school children per day in South Jersey and also provides event catering for businesses and individuals.
Bernard and Nancy Duke are proud members of the School Nutrition Program and attend seminars regularly. They are focused on promoting "wellness" among the many children who enjoy their lunches daily. They plan their menus carefully focusing on adding tastier, lighter, and more nutritious meals to their healthy lunch offerings. For more information on the services offered by Duke Catering visit

Top Five Super, Sexy, Strong and Fit Foods!

. Saturday, 1 June 2013

Enter 'Super Foods' and their supply of antioxidants to the rescue! Antioxidants can work to decrease the harmful effects of oxidative stress, caused by free radicals, which are the damaging molecules that are the result of metabolic processes occurring in our bodies - whether induced by stress, exercise, environment, and every woman's fear - aging! Antioxidants can work to halt the damage caused by free radicals by binding to active receptor sites scavenging and neutralizing free radicals damaging effects. Incorporate a few of the following antioxidant rich 'Super Foods' into your daily diet and become a 'Super Woman' in no time!
Citrus Fruit: Citrus fruit is a source of the powerful antioxidant Vitamin C, which can help protect our lean body tissue, and help to generate other antioxidants. Multiple studies have found that levels of vitamin C are diminished in the body of those who exercise regularly. Vitamin C can help regenerate reduced vitamin E back to the active state. Vitamin C has been shown to reduce lean muscle damage when compared with those deficient in the vitamin. Another study found that vitamin C does control reactive oxidant species formed during exercise. If not controlled these species have the ability to react with cell membranes and damage them, initiating a series of other damaging reactions. In addition to its antioxidant properties Vitamin C is needed for absorption of iron, which is necessary to help oxygen bind to haemoglobin in the blood. Oxygen is critical for proper muscle performance, and keeping energy levels high. Vitamin C is also involved with amino acid metabolism and the formation of collagen, which makes up connective tissue, and is essential for holding your bones and muscles in place, not to mention keeping our skin looking its best.
Broccoli: Contains many potent antioxidant micronutrients including lutein, beta-carotene, vitamin C, selenium and di-indolylmethane. Di-indolylmethane is a potent modulator of the innate immune response system. This extract is also an excellent source of indole-3-carbinol, which can boost DNA repair in cells! Add this high fiber veggie to your salads and stir frys!
Berries: Packed with fiber, antioxidants, vitamins A and C, their phytochemical properties may also help reduce the risks of some diseases. Blueberries and strawberries are great berry options, but acai berry, is considered to have the highest antioxidant property of any other berry! Try adding a few tablespoons of this super berry to shakes or even oatmeal.
Spinach: This 'Super Food' is extremely rich in flavonoids and carotenoids that provide anti-inflammatory benefits as well as antioxidant benefits. Given the fact that spinach is an excellent source of the antioxidant nutrients-including vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and manganese-as well as a very good source of zinc and a good source of selenium-it's no wonder that spinach helps lower risk of numerous health problems related to oxidative stress. Spinach also provides vitamin K, E, B6, B2, folic acid, folate, niacin and the minerals magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, phosphorous, and copper. This wonder food can be used as a base to leafy green salads, to omelets or even a green-based shake!
Tomatoes: Studies have shown that a diet rich in lycopene, the antioxidant found in tomatoes can help decrease the risk of certain cancers, as well as reduce the risk of heart disease. Fit tomatoes into your nutrition plan by using tomato salsa as a condiment, or even cherry tomatoes to your salad.
Lauren Jacobsen hosts a fitness, nutrition and weight loss site where she provides her 15 plus years of insights to women through her blog and books. To find out more, visit

Fitness Foods: My Favorite Fifteen

. Friday, 31 May 2013

Over the past several years I have spent many hours researching health, nutrition, and exercise. My goal was to figure out what lifestyle modifications I needed to make to enjoy true health for the rest of my life. I have read a great deal about so called "super foods" and their benefits. I believe most food that comes from the earth is great for people who want to be healthy and enjoy living an active lifestyle. Based on my personal experience and research I have compiled a list of my favorite fitness foods. I consider these to be some of the best foods for supporting health and well-being while living a physically demanding lifestyle. I will try to keep it short and sweet (no high fructose corn syrup) for our mutual benefit. There are many different foods that support a healthy lifestyle. My article is about 15 nutritional powerhouses I use to fuel my fire. I will describe the nutritional benefits associated with eating each fitness food the best I can. Try your best to fit these in to your diet and you might notice a difference in your daily performance.
Grass-Fed Beef: This savory source of quality protein is listed first because I love eating grass-fed beef, particularly the sirloin. Grass-fed beef gives me a much more satisfied sense of well being when I am done eating my meal than mass-produced, grain fed beef does. Cows naturally eat grass. As far as I know, it has always been that way. Cows are fed grain to fatten them up for slaughter. Animals tend to be healthier when they live a lifestyle that is in alignment with their genetic programming. The healthier grass-fed cows meat contains significantly higher levels of omega-3 fats than their grain fed buddies. Grass-fed beef contains less omega-6 fats and generally contains fewer artery clogging saturated fatty acids than other beef. This is good because omega-6 fatty acids tend to increase inflammation in our bodies while omega-3′s help support a healthy inflammation response. Generally it is healthier consume more omega-3 and less omega-6. Due to the nature of most processed foods and the fact that most of us consume them daily we have a surplus of omega-6′s in our "modern" diets. When we eat grass-fed beef our bodies are blessed with a healthy dose of long chain omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) that help balance out the surplus of omega-6′s from all the refined vegetable oils in our modern diet. For you fitness freaks, grass-fed beef is also the premium dietary source of creatine and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). While creatine has been shown to decrease recovery time between workouts CLA may also increase the rate of fat oxidation during exercise and boost endurance capacity while training. If you have not tried grass-fed beef go get some sirloin right now, cook it your favorite way and enjoy the nourishment.
Chicken Thighs: Chicken thighs are cheaper to buy and have a bad reputation for high fat content which is not entirely rooted in reality. If you are concerned about the fat content be sure to remove all of the skin from the thigh. With only one gram of extra saturated fat per serving I would rather enjoy the experience of the juicy goodness of a plump chicken thigh than to run the risk of my chicken breast drying out because I cooked it two minutes extra. An essential health benefit of chicken thighs is the fact that it has high concentrations of the essential amino acid Leucine. Leucine is one of the branched chain amino acids (BCAA's) which has been shown to reduce muscle soreness and support a quicker recovery between workouts. My favorite chicken thighs come form Springer Mountain Farms. They have good business practices a great product line and a full list of recipes on their website.
Broccoli: This green superfood has a plethora of healthy nutrients including Folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Fiber. Broccoli has anti-inflammatory properties and its antioxidants help neutralize the negative effects of oxidative stress. Broccoli is great for your digestive system and provides a healthy dose of fiber that aids in our body's detoxification process. Detoxification, avoiding chronic inflammation and neutralizing oxidative stress are three key lifestyle factors to reduce your chances of getting cancer. The first area is eye health. Two carotenoids are found with high concentrations in broccoli. Lutein and Zeaxanthin both play an essential role in building and maintaining eye health. I love to eat broccoli raw but there are many different ways to prepare this versatile veggie.
Kale: This leafy green veggie has an unusually high concentration of carotenoids and flavonoids which act synergistically as antioxidants to fight off free radicals. Lutein and beta-carotene are the carotenoids that have the most pronounced antioxidant properties in kale. Lutein and beta-carotene both act as our body armor to protect us from some of the harmful effects of oxidative stress. Some health problems related to increased oxidative stress include increased risk of developing cataracts, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and atherosclerosis. Kale has high levels of two flavonoids kaempferol and quercitin. There are at least 45 different antioxidant flavonoids that are provided in measurable amounts by this antioxidant powerhouse. Kale can be made in to a tasty dish, make sure to research your recipe if you've never tried it.
Wild Salmon: This fish is a potent source of marine derived long chain omega-3′s. Go for wild caught King Salmon for the most concentrated dose of healthy omega 3′s.:In experiments it has been demonstrated that these long chain fatty acids have decreased,muscle soreness after heavy resistance training, reduce heart rate and the need for oxygen consumption while performing strenuous exercise, decrease the probability of exercise induced asthma and improve blood flow during workouts. Eating wild salmon doesn't only help you perform more efficiently in the gym. The health benefits of consuming this protein packed essential fatty acid powerhouse are too numerous to describe in this short article. It is important to mention that wild salmon is generally less contaminated with less environmental "extras" and many more omega-3 fatty acids. Most farm raised salmon are fed by humans. Like most (if not all) animals, salmon are healthier when they live and eat in the environment that they are genetically suited for and they yield many more nutrients when they are wild caught.
Greek Yogurt: Have you ever had runny yogurt? I have; it was gross and left me hungry. Greek Yogurt is thick and much more satisfying when you are hungry. Greek Yogurt usually has double the amount of muscle building protein that regular yogurt contains and much less sugar. The macronutrient profile is usually 2:1:1 for calories from (2) carbohydrates, (1) protein and (1) fat. The nutritional profile of Greek Yogurt is superior to that of most high-fructose corn syrup and dye soaked yogurts on the market today. Many Greek Yogurts are filled with live cultures that support a healthy digestive system. Do your precious body a favor and buy the plain Greek Yogurt to avoid unnecessary additives. Flavor it yourself with honey, fruit, nuts or any other natural ingredients that will leave your body smiling.
Blueberries: I love blueberries! These sweet berries contain very high concentrations of anthocyanin which is an antioxidant powerhouse. According to researchers at Appalachian State University in North Carolina eating blueberries daily and before exercise can reduce inflammation in our bodies and decrease oxidative stress in our muscles. The researchers concluded that the high concentrations of anthocyanin antioxidants are responsible for the physiological changes they noticed in certain athletic individuals. It is well worth mentioning that blueberries also make an excellent addition to your Greek Yogurt.
Sardines: Next time you catch your workout partner eating canned tuna for the protein and omega 3′s ask if they eat sardines. In a 3 ounce serving of canned albacore tuna there are less omega-3′s (0.8 grams) than in an equal serving size of sardines (1.2 grams). Sardines generally cost less than tuna and are chock full of Vitamin D. Eat the small bones and you get a healthy dose of Calcium as well. Vitamin D is critical in enhancing the absorption of other nutrients and is "necessary for better athletic performance."according to a study in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Do your research on the benefits of Vitamin D and the sardines might start smelling better to you.
Avocado: Holy Guacamole! I can't believe that bodybuilders used to shy away from Avocados because of their high fat content. The creamy core of the avocado is loaded with healthy monounsaturated fats. Austrian scientists recently demonstrated that monounsaturated fats can help improve blood pressure and reduce body fat. This heart healthy food is versatile and can be used with many dishes. My favorite breakfast starts with diced green onions sauted in a pan with olive oil then I crack three eggs in the pan and mix in chopped avocados to create a no nonsense meal to power me all day long.
Eggs: Which comes first the chicken or the egg? They are both powerhouses in a healthy diet plan but contain different nutrients and vitamins. Eggs are an excellent source of protein and their cholesterol has little if any impact on heart health according to researchers. Eggs contain high concentrations of Selenium which has been shown to help reduce exercise induced oxidative stress. Eggs also are a great source for Vitamin-D which provides many crucial benefits to our bodies. An experiment published in Nutrition Research showed that men who ate a protein dense, egg based breakfast consumed fewer calories when eating at an unlimited buffet later in the day than men who ate a breakfast that was higher in carbohydrates but equal in total calories. If you really want to go for the gold standard with eggs in your healthy diet choose eggs with extra omega-3′s that came from organically fed free range chickens raised without antibiotics that are packaged in cardboard or another "human friendly" packaging.
Spinach: Spinach should be a staple in your diet for consuming the required levels of leafy greens that are great for our health. While eating spinach won't turn you in to Popeye overnight Swedish researchers documented that nitrate found in dark leafy greens and spinach helped muscles operate more efficiently while exercising thus making the actual hard work seem less physically exhausting. So eating spinach really can help you perform better in the gym, it is great for digestion and contains many phytonutrients that we need in our healthy diet. Spinach is another versatile veggie. It can be used for salads, put on sandwiches, pizzas, and while I am using my juicer I often enjoy adding a healthy handful or two of spinach to my daily carrot, apple, celery, or cranberry juice.
Walnuts: I love Almonds so I was initially kind of let down when first found out that gram for gram, walnuts contain almost double the amount of antioxidants of almonds or any other frequently consumed nut. These antioxidants neutralize the negative health effects of harmful free radicals which can lead to chronic diseases. On a lighter note the potent antioxidants also help reduce the amount of time before a full recovery between workouts. Omega 3′s are essential to many bodily functions and great for our overall health and walnuts have more omega 3′s than other commonly consumed nuts you can get at the supermarket.
Dark Chocolate: This is by far my favorite cheat food. We are not talking about milk chocolate here, I'm talking about the good stuff. Pick a chocolate bar that is at least 60 percent cacao and be reasonable with your portions. Dark chocolate is loaded with epicatechin which has been shown to increase exercise capacity and endurance by reducing muscular fatigue. Dark chocolate is loaded with other antioxidants and has pronounced anti inflammatory properties that can help support heart health and help you feel better.
Cottage Cheese: This chunky snack contains the slow digesting protein casein which helps prevent muscle breakdown during long periods without food. Cottage cheese would serve as a healthy bedtime snack provided that you brush your teeth before retiring. We drink whey first thing in the morning or right after a workout because it is rapidly absorbed by our body and we need our protein fix immediately. We need a slow digesting protein like casein, which is found in cottage cheese, to prevent muscular atrophy. Cottage cheese is a great source of calcium which has been shown to help with our fat to muscle ratio.
Chia seeds: Chia seeds contain an arsenal of nutrients from fiber for gut health to free radical neutralizing antioxidants and essential omega 3 fatty acids. Research documented in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research shows that trained men who drank a chia beverage containing the same amount of calories that were in the sports drink given to others before a run performed at a higher level during the run than those who did not consume the chia. The legendary Tarahumara Indians of Mexico knew the chia secret. They have been known to run up to and more than 100 miles at a time barefoot in the mounting of Mexico. The Tarahumara routinely consumed a chia drink before these extraordinary feats of endurance. Can you say Ch - Ch - Ch - Chia...? I know, it's not funny.
Try adding one of these foods to your daily diet and help your body help you perform at your best.
If you are like me it is a challenge to get the quality nutrition your body needs from your daily diet. Including the foods listed in this article can help you head in the right direction with your nutrition program. Even with plenty of exercise, rest and a healthy diet it is nearly impossible to consistently supply your body with all of the nutrition it needs to function at an optimal level. Invest in your future by caring for your body and making healthy lifestyle choices. Supplementing your diet with the highest quality nutritional supplements available will help satisfy your dietary needs and help you feel vibrant every day. Make sure to purchase nutritional supplements from a trusted company with safe and effective scientifically researched products.
In Health,
Ben Crossley

How to Stay Fit and Healthy

. Thursday, 30 May 2013

Living in the world full of tempting sugary and fat-full of foods can sometimes be a risk to our health. We need to focus more on what we do, and most especially what we eat. Remember that food is the main reason why we get those nutrients and minerals our body needs and as well as keeping us alive. So, that's why we need to choose the right kind of food intake. Obesity is one of the main concerns for people around the world regarding health issues. Main reasons for being one would be the of lack exercise and proper diet. How do we stop it? How to stay fit and healthy?
Health advisory and advertisement, healthy food products and equipments are the eye-catcher for the health conscious. Different strategies have been formulated just to control and provide a health living for ourselves and some do it for their whole family. First of all, it is with clarification that there is nothing wrong with food. Eating is needed for us to be alive and for our body to function well while excessive intake of food gives an adverse effect in our health. There should be a balance on everything we take from day to day. For example, when you eat oily food, it is imperative to drink water that is not cold. The oil's chemical reaction to cold water solidifies that can stay inside your body that somewhat will develop into cholesterol and worst could become cancer in the colon.
Effective ways on how to stay fit and healthy is choosing the right kind of food you buy in the grocery and knowing the nutritional facts and necessarily its real content. Junk food can sometimes be tempting and still nothing should stop you by eating them. However, in return you should drink plenty of water to help you digest those unwanted particles. Pair it with proper exercise. Going to the gym would be a good idea, but it should not be limited on the area. You can also do exercise when you are cleaning the house or lifting things out. Motion is the friendliest method of exercise that helps you maintain a healthy and fit body.
Remember that if you are in the situation of gaining weight it's not easy to pull back your normal weight. You need to start from scratch and besides you wouldn't be that if you take care of your health. Our lives are the most un-prized investment we had. It is the only one we had, and we should take care of it. On the other hand, life is something that we should enjoy. Find ways to make yourself happy. In the advent of you staying healthy and fit, just remember how to balance everything. Good food plus exercise and a less stressful environment would do the trick.
Looking for used treadmills atlanta? That is a good idea if you want to stay fit and healthy without spending too much money on fitness equipments. Exercising daily is a must to sweat out all the toxins in your body and if you do not have the time to hit the gym you can do it in our home by running on the treadmill or any other form of exercise. Have you non-functioning gym equipment repair and do not spend so much money in buying a new one.


. Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Welcome All,

This is our first blog on how foodie can stay fit. The blog actually more focus on how to become healthy and fit. But before that we need to know on the meaning of the Foodie Stay Fit.


  • a person having an avid interest in the latest food fads.


  • A person that spends a keen amount of attention and energy on knowing the ingredients of food, the proper preparation of food, and finds great enjoyment in top-notch ingredients and exemplary preparation. 
  • A foodie is not necessarily a food snob, only enjoying delicacies and/or food items difficult to obtain and/or expensive foods; though, that is a variety of foodie.

           source :


  • Refer as Physical fitness that comprises two related concepts: general fitness (a state of health and well-being), and specific fitness (a task-oriented definition based on the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations). Physical fitness is generally achieved through correct nutritionexercise, hygiene and rest.


The purpose of the blog is to share a method, ideas and anything for people who love food or foodie to always stays fit and healthy.